Kingdom Quest
What's the Mover?
  1. Movers are special transportation in Isya Continent.
  2. There are many kinds of Movers in NPC store or Cash Item mall
  3. Each mover has different speed and user's level limitation to use

Recall the Mover
Learn the riding skill
recall the Mover
  1. To ride and use the movers, Player should first of all learn the Riding Skill.
  2. You can put riding skill and general mover in the NPC store in each Cities but there are Mover sales NPCs in each cities and they are selling different movers.
  3. Mover can walk and run, Moreover, even show special actions.
  4. Z key has toggle function for running and walking Movers.

Hungry Bar
The hungry bar runs out
Fill up the hungry bar
  1. Movers are always becoming hungry when they are recalled.
  2. If the Hungry bar runs out, Movers cannot run. Please check the hungry bar in Mover window
  3. To fill up the hungry bar, you have to feed the Movers but you have to buy the right food for movers at NPC stores.
  4. Movers sold in Cash Item mall don't need food.

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