Kingdom Quest

mini house
job change
What is Mini House?
  1. Mini House is a kind of housing system divided into some modes, such as rest, personal shop and inside mode.
  2. In case of rest mode, you can use this system just pressing the [Home] key on your keyboard.
  3. By the way, you cannot use mini house near an NPC or in some maps.

Changing outward appearance of mini house
Changing outward appearance of mini house
Basic mini house
Click right mouse button
You can change outward appearance of mini house like costumes
  1. All users receive basic mini house, mushroom type, just as they start the game and can change outward appearance of mini house like costumes.
  2. User can change mini house outward appearance through changing button.
  3. Mini house inside decoration mode is under development.

Function of Mini house
  1. Rest mode
    • As previously stated, while playing the game you can change into rest mode by pressing [Home] key.
    • In case of rest mode, HP and SP will be recharged automatically, and recovery rate depends on which mini house type you have.
    • You can change into rest mode in regular fields, but you have to be cautious because some monsters will attack your game character
    • Poison or disease will not be cured even in rest mode.
Personal Shop
You can sell or buy items
item price
Your personal shop
  1. Personal Shop
    • Among the functions of mini house, you can open and operate your own personal shop.
    • Through personal shop function, you can sell or buy items you want after registering the items to the shop.
    • You can open putting personal shop button or designating short cut key.
    • You can open personal shop only in the city, and during the personal shop mode your game character cannot move like rest mode.
    • When you open your personal shop, the outward appearance is applied what you select presently.

for European users
for US/Canada/Mexico users